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We have an enemy who wants to deface four hundred years of monuments from court rooms, parks, public buildings, and even in Washington DC.

Their assaults on American values are being waged on many fronts.

Historian David McCollough warned in an interview with Harvard Business Review, 2013: “The decline in what our students know about history is a very serious problem. Bruce Cole, who was the former head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, said it was a national security problem. In other words, we’re putting ourselves in jeopardy. It’s a kind of amnesia that has set in.”

It is indeed a battle for America’s soul!

We must fight this battle for America’s soul on behalf of our children, defending traditional Judeo‐Christian values and telling the true story of America’s heritage.

We owe this to our children, our grandchildren. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” Prov. 13:22

And we owe it to the Creator who has given us this land of liberty and opportunity.

We are going to win this battle, but we can’t do it without you!

You and I have both watched our Judeo-Christian heritage and traditional values begin to crumble in America.

Worst yet they are now crumbling faster every day.

Who would have ever believed that we would see people want to change the definition of marriage and remove crosses from veterans’ memorials?

And a health care bill that violates freedom of conscience. This has not happened by accident!

There are many forces with tentacles, reaching deep into American society.

You know who they are, the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way, Americans United and others.

The curious fact that they all use the word American in their name does not hide the fact that they are anti–American!

They hate America as we know it. They apologize for America. They are ashamed of America.

It’s hard to believe that that they see America as a different country than the one you and I love.

And they are not alone.

They have many other helpers, the left wing media, tenured university professors, globalists, billionaire financiers and radical Islamists.

They have assembled a mighty army and they are winning battle after battle.

Someone must expose them, defeat them, and protect America’s families and Godly heritage.

And I intend to lead the charge against them!

By letting the people of America know why our country is so prosperous, so free, and a land of opportunity.

And that we intend to keep it that way.

We need you to help us do that, because on many fronts the situation in America is becoming grim.

As you know I have spent years documenting, writing and teaching about America’s Godly heritage. Many of my books have made it to the shelves of very prominent government figures.

My lectures have been heard by thousands. My television and radio programs have influenced many key people in America. But there is so much more to do.

And with your help we can do just that.

That’s why I have established American Priorities!

To build an organization that will be strong enough to counter the negative influences in our society.

I especially want to influence young people and university students.

So many students are naive about the forces arrayed against them. And they are dangerously ignorant about American ingenuity, innovation and independent spirit.

Most students have no knowledge of the truth of God. That’s because of their left wing indoctrination on campus.

Most of them have left the church of their parents (Barna research proves this).

The voice they are hearing is the liberal voice of make believe history and far‐ left‐wing‐ propaganda.

America deserves a second voice and with your help I can be that second voice!

We are counting on you to stand with us!

We are making the truth plain, by every means possible we want to challenge your children and grandchildren to rise to their highest self and to mold the future of America that is worthy of our forbearers.

We want to put accurate books about America’s Godly heritage in every school.

We want to expand our video programs to fully educate the public about the facts.

We want to develop wide distribution of our message and our materials, so that we can pass to posterity the blessings of freedom.

Your partnership is so crucial to this effort.

This is the first time I have written to you, or any one about the battle that lies ahead.

Without God in America, our country will crumble. Without God’s blessings and protection our nation is at risk.

Please send your gift today!

I pray that God will bless you and your family abundantly, and God bless America.

William J. Federer

American Priorities

P.S. Your gift today will ensure that we can engage the enemy on all fronts immediately.  Donate online now!

American historian David McCullough, author of “1776,” “John Adams,” and “Truman,” warned of the failure to teach our history: “We are all part of a larger stream of events, past, present, and future. We are the beneficiaries of those who went before us, who built the cathedrals, who braved the unknown, who gave us their time and service, and who kept faith in the possibilities of the mind and the human spirit.”

McCullough added: “I know how much these young people, even at the most esteemed institutions of higher learning, don’t know. History is often taught in categories, women’s history, African-American history, environmental history, so that many of the students have no sense of chronology. They have no idea of what followed what. Many contemporary textbooks are so politically correct to be comic. Very minor characters that are currently fashionable are given considerable space, whereas people of major consequence farther back are given very little space or none at all. History gives us a sense of proportion. It is an antidote to a lot of unfortunately human trends, like self-importance and self-pity. I think that in some ways I knew more American history when I finished grade school than many college students know today. And that’s not their fault, that’s our fault.”

In an interview on his book The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For, McCullough stated: “I think America has come further in giving opportunity to the best that’s in human nature than any other country ever in history, and we seem to be holding on for over 200 years already. We’ve greatly improved the inequalities and the shortcomings of our way of life as we’ve moved forward. One of the things I feel is that we are a country of good people. We are a country of well-meaning, hard-working, conscientious people — 90% of us. And, we are blessed with progress in a number of fields today, the likes of which no people on Earth have ever enjoyed in all of history. Think just for example of what’s happened in medicine. Think of the improvements that have been made in the opportunity for education. “

American Priorities
P.O. BOX 60442
Fort Myers, FL 33906

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Your donation is invaluable in support of William J. Federer's efforts to communicate America's rich, noble heritage.  His speaking schedule, books, and web-based videos, articles, and resources are funded almost entirely by kind donations.

Tax Deductible:  Donations to American Priorities are tax deductible.

Thank you for your donation. It is very helpful and very much appreciated!

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I once thought that the most difficult battle I would ever face in life was running for the U.S. Congress in Missouri’s third Congressional District.

I was wrong!

The race was tough, but I am now in a life or death battle that is much more serious and much more difficult.

It is the battle for America’s soul!

We have an enemy who wants to rewrite American history to serve their own ideological purpose.

We have an enemy who wants to take God out of the public square.